V.E.R.A. Search Results

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Request was \.NET
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These are the results of your search:

ANTS Advanced .NET Testing System (.NET, Red-Gate)

CAS Code Access Security (VSTO, .NET, MS)

CF Compact Framework (MS, .NET, PocketPC)

CLI Common Language Infrastructure (MS, .NET, ECMA, CLI)

CLR Common Language Runtime (MS, CLI, .NET)

CLS Common Language Specification (OOP, CLR, MS, .NET, CLS)

CTS Common Type System (OOP, CLR, MS, .NET, CLS)

EA [Visio for] Enterprise Architects (MS, .NET)

FCL Framework Class Library (MS, .NET)

GAC Global Assembly Cache (MS, .NET)

GPMC Group Policy Management Console (MS, Windows, XP, .NET)

JBC J# Browser Controls (MS, .NET, Java)

JLCA Java Language Conversion Assistant (MS, Java, .NET)

MIT Mobile Internet Toolkit (MS, .NET)

MSIL MicroSoft Intermediate Language (MS, .NET, CLI)

POA Portable Object Adapter (CORBA, .NET)

RCW Runtime Callable Wrapper (.NET, COM, DLL)

VES Virtual Execution System (MS, CLR, .NET)

A total of 18 acronyms has been found.

Thanks for using V.E.R.A.
Comments and submissions are welcome via email all the time.
I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.


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V.E.R.A. (c) 1993/2024 Oliver Heidelbach <ohei@snafu>
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[Sun April 28 06:04 2024]